পর্ণ ভিডিও

Kelly Erickson

উপনাম: Kelly Erikson, Kelly Eriksonn

দেশ: United States

জন্ম: 1981-02-03

চোখ: Green

চুল: Blonde

উচ্চতা: 170 cm

ওজন: 52 kg

স্তন: Fake

ভিউ: 2.3K

পর্নস্টার Kelly Erickson ভিডিও

2 ভিডিও
When Kelly was 17 she began to fantasize about being a porn star. Shortly after finishing school, she responded to a newspaper ad looking for erotic models for a website.
Kelly underwent breast enlargement surgery at 19, going from 34A to 34F. She began appearing on webcam for iFriends, drawing the attention of agent Jim South. In 2002 she made her first movie, Finally Legal 7, and soon after she signed an exclusive contract with Metro. She left in Metro 2005, accusing them of nonpayment. She took a break from porn, returning at the beginning of 2006.

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